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Creating inclusive content for DnA and SchoolCity assessments

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Creating inclusive content for DnA and SchoolCity assessments

September 28, 2023

As the new school year kicks into full swing around the country, Renaissance’s commitment to “See Every Student” is more relevant than ever. Educators need digital tools that offer detailed insight into their students’ strengths and needs, allowing them [...]

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How preschool assessment can support great reading outcomes in elementary school

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How preschool assessment can support great reading outcomes in elementary school

September 8, 2023

The US has a long history of providing preschool programs for children prior to their entry into kindergarten and “formal education.” Nursery schools, childcare programs, Head Start classrooms, and the growing number of voluntary and universal preschool programs draw young [...]

How the Renaissance Ecosystem drives differentiated instruction

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How the Renaissance Ecosystem drives differentiated instruction

August 7, 2023

For more than 35 years, educators have relied on Renaissance for tools and insights to support the important work they do each day. While technology has changed greatly over the decades, our commitment to helping educators to truly, fully [...]

In perspective: The new NAEP data and student achievement gaps

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In perspective: The new NAEP data and student achievement gaps

July 3, 2023

The recent release of the 2023 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) data brought another flurry of reporting on the impacts wrought by pandemic-related disruptions to schooling. In fact, a recent District [...]

Acquisition vs. proficiency data: How using both positively affects student interventions and learning outcomes

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Acquisition vs. proficiency data: How using both positively affects student interventions and learning outcomes

June 2, 2023

The key to understanding student interventions and promoting positive student outcomes lies in understanding the whole child. That means diving deeper than data that only speaks to one aspect of the student’s experience. Attempting to juxtapose acquisition data and proficiency [...]

Introducing a new era for Renaissance—and for education technology

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Introducing a new era for Renaissance—and for education technology

April 12, 2023

I’m writing these words as a completely new brand identity for Renaissance is about to launch. I’ve been through rebranding projects before. They always involve a new company logo, new colors, a new look for our website and brochures, and [...]

Unlocking the power of assessment: 6 types of assessments in education

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Unlocking the power of assessment: 6 types of assessments in education

February 27, 2023
Categories: Assessment, Education Strategies

Assessments come in all shapes and sizes and are a giant piece of the education puzzle. Understanding the multi-faceted nature of the many different types of assessments in education is essential to support both the teaching and learning processes. If [...]

The Science of Reading: 4 common misconceptions

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The Science of Reading: 4 common misconceptions

February 7, 2023
Categories: Reading

Literacy is the foundation of learning, which is why the most effective way to teach students how to read has been the topic of debate for many years. The sheer volume of information, research, and evolving trends has caused inevitable [...]

Catch-up growth: Educational challenges and solutions

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Catch-up growth: Educational challenges and solutions

January 18, 2023
Categories: Reading | Products: Star Reading

One of the most difficult challenges students can face in the classroom is trying to achieve “catch-up growth,” which is defined as the amount of growth necessary to reach grade-level expectations. It’s also a challenge for educators to find the [...]

Product Highlights: Measuring the Science of Reading

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Product Highlights: Measuring the Science of Reading

January 3, 2023
Categories: Assessment, Reading | Products: Star Phonics

Decades of research show that all students benefit from reading instruction that explicitly and systematically addresses five key areas: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. This important research, which is also known as the [...]

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