Pre-reader to high-achiever

Award-winning early literacy assessment for pre-K–3 learners

Give your Pre-K–3 students their best start with a numeracy and early literacy assessment designed to help you confidently guide every student towards reading proficiency, whether students are learning in-person, remotely, or a combination of both.

Comprehensive and integrated early literacy assessments

Little boy on tablet

Grow literacy from pre-reader to high-achiever

Renaissance connects early literacy assessment, instruction, and practice to give educators reliable data and valuable insights to support early learners as they develop the foundational skills they need to succeed.

Little girl in peach with tablet

Star Reading integration

When students are ready to transition to independent reading, they can seamlessly move from Star Early Literacy to Star Reading, providing an uninterrupted view of Pre-K–12 growth. These two assessments share the same unified scale, so scores are comparable—and you can even see data from the two tests in a single report!

Easy administration, easy reporting

Assessment shouldn’t be stressful—for either students or teachers. The Star Early Literacy assessment makes it easy for kids to take tests and easy for educators to get the results.

Learn more about Star Early Literacy

Demonstration videos

Star Early Literacy Intro Video (on computer) [2:33]

Taking the STAR Test (on iPad) [4:38]

Powerful early literacy assessment tools

Reading Foundational Skills and Language Assessed

Print Concepts

  • Directionality
  • Letters and Words
  • Word Length
  • Word Borders
  • Visual Discrimination
  • Alphabetic Principle and Sequence
  • Print Features
girl with tablet

Phonological Awareness

  • Rhyming and Word Families
  • Blending, Counting, and Segmenting Syllables
  • Long and Short Vowel Sounds
  • Isolating Initial, Final, and Medial Phonemes
  • Adding/Substituting Phonemes
student doing an audio reading assignment

Phonics and Word Recognition

  • Spelling-Sound Correspondences: Consonants and Vowels
  • Regular and Irregular Spellings
  • High Frequency Words
  • Inflectional Endings
  • Affixes
  • Syllables
group of students at a table working listening to the teacher


  • Purpose of Reading
  • Reading with Comprehension
  • Repair Strategies
  • Reading Rate WCPM
  • Prosody
kid reading book with teacher's guidance

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use*

  • Word Relationships
  • Structural Analysis
  • Antonyms
  • Multiple-Meaning Words
  • Synonyms

*Not yet available in Spanish

teacher pointing at text assisting student

See data on a range of numeracy skills

Numbers and Operations* Skills Assessed

*Not yet available in Spanish

Counting and Cardinality

  • Number Naming and Number Identification
  • Number-Object Correspondence
  • Sequence Completion

Operations and Algebraic Thinking

  • Composing and Decomposing

Measurement and Data

  • Measurement

See sample items from Star Early Literacy

Early literacy assessment test experience for students

Alphabetic Principle, Concept of Word, & Visual Discrimination

Star Early Literacy measures students’ understanding of the alphabetic principle and print concepts, as well as their ability to identify and discriminate between letters (visual discrimination).

See more sample items

Concept of Word
Visual Discrimination

Phonemic Awareness

Students demonstrate their phonemic awareness by rhyming, blending, and segmenting words, word parts, and phonemes; identifying and discriminating between sounds; and manipulating phonemes.

See more sample items

Phonemic Awareness


Star Early Literacy measures students’ understanding of sound-symbol correspondence, long and short vowels, beginning and ending consonants, word families (onset and rime), consonant blends and digraphs, and more.

See more sample items


Structural Analysis & Vocabulary

Students show their word knowledge by matching words to pictures, identifying synonyms and antonyms, categorizing words, differentiating multi-meaning words, and analyzing word structures such as affixes and suffixes.

See more sample items

Structural Analysis
Structural Analysis

Sentence- & Paragraph-Level Comprehension

Star Early Literacy assesses students’ comprehension of sentences and paragraphs, both orally and through reading. Items also ask students to answer literal or inferential questions about passages.

See more sample items

Sentence Level Comprehension
Paragraph Level Comprehension
Paragraph Level Comprehension

Approved by administrators and teachers globally

Star Assessments provide a very precise picture of current skill levels… Star Assessments use color-coded displays as well as at-risk criteria, which can be altered, to illustrate important data. In Star Assessments, it’s easy to see those changes, monitor growth, and set criteria for making decisions.

Scott Johnson, Educational Consultant, Plaquemines Parish Schools

Learn more about how Star Early Literacy can help educators guide every student toward reading proficiency

Early Literacy assessment FAQs

Understanding Star Early Literacy

What skills are assessed in Star Early Literacy?

Star Early Literacy assesses skills such as phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension. It provides teachers with accurate data to inform next steps and guide every student towards reading proficiency.

How is Star Early Literacy administered?

Star Early Literacy can be administered in-person or remotely through computer-based assessment.

How long does a Star Early Literacy assessment take?

The length of a Star Early Literacy assessment varies depending on the grade level and the individual student’s progress. On average, the assessment takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

How often should Star Early Literacy be administered?

Most educators administer Star Early Literacy three times each year – fall, winter, spring, for universal screening purposes. It can be administered more frequently for progress monitoring purposes.

Is Star Early Literacy available in Spanish?

Yes! Star Early Literacy in Spanish assesses authentic Spanish literacy skills. English language skills that do not exist in Spanish are not included.

Recognized by educators and industry leaders nationwide

Badge for an SOC2 award

SOC2 Report

Badge for an ED Tech Cool Tool Finalist award

ED Tech Cool Tool Finalist

Badge for an Tech Learning Awards of Excellence award

Tech Learning Awards of Excellence

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Additional Star resources

children reading

Blog Article

Instructional strategies for 7 early literacy pillars

Star Assessments brochure cover


See the complete suite of Renaissance Star Assessments

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