What’s new in myON this fall?
As students head back to school this fall, we are excited to share some new titles that have been recently added to the myON collections. Check out over 400 great reads for the new school year!
New to the myON Core Collection
We’re happy to bring you more than 170 new Capstone titles in the Core Collection. As our Core Collection partner, Capstone perfectly encapsulates the Renaissance mission to accelerate learning for all. With dozens of great Capstone series for all age ranges, reading levels, interests, and cultures, we’re proud to incorporate even more fantastic content into the Core Collection.
This year, the myON content team is also focused on increasing the Core Collection’s Spanish content. We’ve added over 250 new Spanish titles into myON, including Un elefante crece (An Elephant Grows Up), Las monedas misteriosas (The Mystery Coins), Max y Zoe: Pelea en el comedor (Max and Zoe: The Lunchroom Fight), and Eleanore no comparte (Eleanore Won’t Share).

New Spanish titles
In case you missed it, we’ve begun producing select Lalilo titles for use in the myON Core Collection! These new titles exemplify Lalilo’s commitment to early education learning and include titles that feature research-based phonics, comprehension, and word recognition support.
New to the third-party publisher collections
We’re excited to release a new collection from Jump!, one of our publishing partners. This new collection, Jump!: SEL, focuses on social-emotional learning titles perfect for younger readers. Highlighted titles include Being Responsible, Celebrating All Personalities, I Feel Confident, and Showing Generosity.

New Jump! SEL titles
We want to hear from you!
Are you looking for specific content to meet curriculum needs? We’d love to hear from you on the type of reading content you’d like to see more of in myON. Submit your suggestions using this form.
Other enhancements to myON
As part of our goal to deliver a variety of meaningful content, we are investing in upgrading our book production tools to next-generation technology so we can expedite the process of adding new books to our collections. This will ensure our educators—and the students they serve—continue to have a growing variety of high-quality reading options to encourage more literacy growth.
As part of Renaissance’s Accelerating Learning in Literacy solution, myON empowers educators to see every student and supercharge literacy growth for every learner.