Star CBM Reading: Sight/High-Frequency Words and Encoding with benchmarks in K–3
We are excited to announce that the following Star CBM Reading measures are now available and include norm-referenced benchmarks—providing educators with deeper insights into students’ foundational reading development.
- Sight and High-Frequency Words (grades K–3)
- Encoding (grades K–3)
Sight and High-Frequency Words measures are one-minute assessments where students read sight words and high-frequency words aloud. As in other Star CBM Reading measures, scores are reported as correct per minute.

Encoding measures, which are often referred to as spelling, are untimed assessments in which a student translates a spoken word into a written word by authentically producing each handwritten letter. Administration of Encoding is available for the whole class (using the same form) or 1:1 with individual students (using different forms). Scores for Encoding measures are represented by a percent correct, not correct per minute, since this measure is not timed in the traditional sense.

To access these new measures, simply click on “Record Book & Assessments” under the Star CBM Reading tile on your Renaissance Home page. Sight and High-Frequency Words is on the Foundations of Literacy tab and Encoding is on Rapid Naming, Encoding tab.

Please note: These new measures are for universal screening purposes only. Using these measures for progress monitoring is not yet supported.
For more detailed information about accessing and using Star Reading CBM measures, please refer to this Help File.