New myON placement enhancement
Beginning in Summer 2021, students will have a better placement experience in myON. This quick and adaptive assessment is designed to help more accurately determine each student’s reading level, allowing myON to recommend titles in the just-right range.
Removes barriers to reading
As a part of our mission to continually accelerate learning, and to place accessibility and equity at the forefront, the myON placement is now optional. New students can begin reading without taking a placement test. Instead, they test when they are ready or at the cadence set by your school.
Creates more fidelity in testing
Students take tests when they choose to, or when their teachers suggest it. This process—and the fact that the new placement only takes about 10 minutes—reduces “speed clicking” as students rush to finish the test. This makes scores more valid, and more valid scores result in more accurate reading recommendations for students.
Improves reliability
The new myON placement is powered by the progress monitoring test in Star Reading and is truly adaptive. It provides more reliable data, because the Star algorithm can accurately determine a student’s reading level in about 10 minutes. The previous placement test did not adapt if students got answers incorrect. This could be discouraging for students reading below grade level. The new placement meets readers where they are and creates a more streamlined, simplified assessment experience.
Increases time spent reading
With a simplified placement experience, students can begin reading in myON more quickly. myON recommends re-testing every 90 days, so students’ focus is centered on reading, not testing.
Supports student growth
Since its launch, myON has ensured that all students can engage in frequent, high-quality reading practice with unlimited, 24/7 access to thousands of enhanced digital books and age-appropriate news articles. With this newly enhanced placement experience, students have even greater personalization, accessibility, and practice—and even more literacy growth.
What if you’re already using Star Assessments with myON?
Because the new placement is powered by Star Reading, myON customers who have adopted Star Reading or Star 360 can, with a click, have their Star data drive myON’s recommendations. myON customers who have not yet adopted Star Assessments can still enjoy using it as a placement mechanism that is built right into myON. If you want to experience all of the insights Star Assessments can provide, you’ll need to adopt the full product.
Either way, educators can feel confident that they’re getting valid and reliable insights to support just-right reading practice.