Introducing the Biliteracy Report in Accelerated Reader
Renaissance is always looking to incorporate educators’ feedback into our products. After listening to testimonials from a number of our partners, we knew that biliteracy reporting would need to be a high-priority feature added to Accelerated Reader.
For this reason, we’ve added a new Biliteracy Report to AR’s Record Book. This new report includes the following information for each student:
- Average book level (English vs. Spanish)
- Percent correct on AR quizzes (English vs. Spanish)
- Portion of reading done in each language
We’re making this change to better support emergent bilingual learners by making it easier for teachers and administrators to differentiate between performance by language. Users will no longer need to calculate these metrics themselves, saving valuable time.
The report’s teacher view provides a concise yet powerful display of individual student performance and reading data in AR. This gives teachers a brief overview of performance at the class level:

Additionally, teachers can access a detail summary that shows each student’s past quizzes taken in Spanish and English. This provides a clear snapshot of individual performance and will serve as a great resource when conferencing with students and their families:

We’ve also added the ability for students to view points gained in both languages under the “My Goals” tab, providing them with an accurate, up-to-date view of their progress. Students will see points earned and percent read in each language:

You’ll find more information about accessing and using the new Biliteracy Report by clicking here.