Introducing student-recorded read-aloud in myON
We’re excited to announce a fun new way students can practice their reading fluency in myON. Using the new student-recorded read-aloud feature, students can record themselves reading their favorite myON books out loud. They can then play back their recordings to self-assess both their miscues and strengths as readers. They can also compare their recording to the natural-voice audio narration of the book to improve pronunciation, especially with words they haven’t seen before. This is especially helpful for younger readers, shy readers, or readers whose first language is not English.
While this new feature makes fluency practice more fun for students, teachers can also listen to recordings for any student in their class as an easy way to get deeper insight into their reading progress. Here’s how it works:
Similar to how students access the “Read” button in myON, they now have an option for “Record”:

Alternatively, they can select “Record” from the Book Info modal.
Once they are in a myON book and click “Record,” they will be prompted with the browser’s microphone check. After allowing access, students will see the option to record while reading out loud:

Once they complete the recording process, they can then listen to their recording to see how they did. They have the option to re-record if they want to try again. When they finish recording their reading, they can simply click “Turn In” to submit the recording to the teacher.
Students can view all of their recordings on the Recordings tab in their Library:

Teachers will have access to all their students’ recordings from their dashboard’s Recordings tab:

Teachers can quickly see recording activities by the class as a whole or can click through to view an individual student to see their recordings.
Student-recorded read-alouds make reading practice a cinch both inside and outside the classroom. Students can practice reading out loud on their own if the teacher is occupied with other activities or when they want to read at home. Because this new feature makes reading fun for students and easy for teachers, students get much more fluency practice.
For ideas on using this new feature in your school or district this year, see our recent discussion of how to support oral reading fluency with myON.