Additional Star data now available in Renaissance Next for Leaders
02 Jun 2023
Product Types
We are excited to announce new data sets are now available in Renaissance Next for Leaders! Educators using Star Assessments—including Star CBM—can now get a better understanding of how those products are being implemented in their district with Renaissance Next for Leaders dashboards.
New metrics for Star CBM customers
Star CBM customers can look at the “Students Assessed” tile for Reading, Math, and Lectura to know how often students are being assessed and whether students are being assessed in the way they would expect.

When available, customers can also disaggregate by student characteristics:

Star CBM customers can also examine the “Students At/Above Benchmark” tile for Star CBM Reading, Math, and Lectura to understand if students improved from the first screening measure to their most recent assessment in that measure. Educators should be aware that these metrics use district screening windows that are configured in their Renaissance account versus using the first assessment in the Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons that are reflected in Star CBM Data Insights tiles. In addition, these Star CBM metrics use the most recent assessment completed within the screening window versus using the earliest assessment completed within the season in Star CBM Data Insights.

Deeper insights for Star Assessments
Customers using Star computer-adaptive tests can now track their Star implementations over time to see how many students were assessed. The Students Assessed metric is available for Star Assessments (both English and Spanish version) in Reading, Math, and Early Literacy.

Viewing the Our Schools dashboard, customers can quickly see how many students have been assessed in each school. And using the Our Students dashboard, customers can then see how many students have been assessed more than once—this can be helpful in understanding if students are being tested multiple times in a screening window, which could prompt educators to look further into the numbers to ensure students are being assessed as expected within a screening window.

As a reminder, customers can get access to Renaissance Next for Leaders at no additional charge to monitor the implementation of all their Renaissance solutions at the district and school level. District and school leaders rely on Renaissance Next for Leaders to get quick insights into their implementations of Star computer-adaptive tests, Freckle, myON, AR, and now Star CBM all in one place. In continuing to strengthen the interconnectedness of our solutions, Renaissance empowers educators to truly see every student and accelerate learning for all.